CAAA relies on the generosity of the community to serve the sick and injured with high quality medical care.
Donations support the mission of providing emergency medical care to the community! And donations of all shapes and sizes help!
We are grateful to supporters for ensuring the life-saving mission continues to serve this community.
Donations come in many forms:
- Monetary – Donations can be accepted by check, cash or credit card and mailed, dropped off or made online. Contributions are deductible to the CAAA
- Grants – As a nonprofit organization, CAAA applies for grants to provide updated medical equipment, to fund training supplies for CPR classes, programs and more.
- In-Kind – In-Kind donations are items or services that can be donated. Many local businesses have donated gift cards or items to support auctions at Designer Bag Bingo or other fundraising events.
- Other in-kind donations can be food for EMS Week events or equipment for use at the station.
- Matching Gifts – Many local employers will match donations made by their employees – check with your employer when making a gift – often there is a simple form to be completed.
- Sponsorship – there are sponsorship opportunities for fundraising events
Online Donations
You can choose to make a one-time donation or sign up for recurring monthly donations. If you wish to join CAAA, please complete our Membership form.
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CAAA is a registered non-profit organization exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to CAAA are tax-deductible as provided to the extent of the law.
The official registration and financial information of Community Ambulance Association of Ambler may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.